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How can I make my drone camera battery last longer?

How can I make my drone camera battery last longer?

Editorial:Joe Issue Date:2020-01-25 Views:2934

Most of the aerial drones on the market today use lithium polymer batteries as a power source. Batteries can be an important part of a uavor power system. Batteries are consumable and need to be recharged frequently. From a chemical point of view, drone batteries are also dangerous and flammable and explosive. It's not cheap and can live long or very short, depending on how you use it.

Don't run out of battery power

The discharge curve of a lithium-ion drone battery indicates that the voltage drops more quickly at the beginning of the discharge. But between discharge with 3.9 to 3.7V, the voltage drops fast. But once down to 3.7V, the voltage drop speed will accelerate, poor control will lead to the current over-release, light damage to the battery, heavy voltage is too low to cause the explosion.

drone battery life

Some fliers have fewer batteries for drones, so each flight uses up all the battery power, which is short-lived. The best use principle is to fly as little as one minute and fly one more cycle in life. You'd rather buy two more batteries than fly them over the battery capacity limit each time. To make full use of the battery alarm, an alarm should land as soon as possible.

Prevent short-circuiting of the battery

Due to the frequent unplugging of the power cord, the power cord will also appear loose or poor contact phenomenon. This often occurs during battery wire maintenance and transportation. A short circuit can directly cause the lipo battery to burst into flames or explode. When it is found that after a period of time the battery has broken the wire needs to re-weld the wire, especially pay attention to the electric iron do not touch the positive and negative poles of the battery at the same time.

drone battery fire

In addition, the best way to transport batteries is that no battery is individually covered with self-sealed bags and placed in an explosion-proof box. This prevents short-circuiting or skin-breaking during the transport of a drone battery due to bumps and collisions that cause the positive and negative poles of a battery to touch other conductive substances at the same time.

Control the charging time of the battery

First, set a time to remind yourself to disconnect the charging power before charging the battery. Of course, if your battery has BMS, it can automatically alert that it has been charged, but not fully charged. Second, some chargers do not have perfect power off function after charging, resulting in a single battery that has not stopped charging until 4.2v. In addition, some chargers after use for a period of time, because the components are aging, also prone to full of non-stop problems.

lipo drone battery

Therefore, lithium polymer battery charging must be looked after. When it is found that the charging time is too long, to manually check whether the charger failure. If there is a fault to remove the battery as soon as possible, otherwise the lithium battery is overcharged, light will affect the battery life, heavy will directly appear explosion fire. In addition, remind everyone that when charging, must be in accordance with the battery charging C number or lower C number to charge, can not exceed the prescribed charging current.

Protect the outer skin of the battery

The outer skin of the battery is an important structure to prevent the battery from exploding and leaking fire. Damage to the aluminum outer skin of a lithium polymer battery will cause the battery to catch fire or explode directly. The battery should be lightly placed, and when fixing the battery on the drone, the tie must be tight. Because the drone is likely to make large dynamic flight or fall, the uav battery pack will be thrown out because the tie is not tight, which is also easy to cause damage to the battery skin.

Battery swelling

Refuse to store fully charged batteries

Fully charged batteries cannot be fully stored for more than 3 days. If you don't let the battery go for more than a week, some batteries will swell directly. Some batteries may not swell for the time being, but after several full-charge saves, the batteries may be immediately scrapped. Therefore, the correct way is to charge after receiving the mission. If there is no mission within 3 days after the battery is used, charge the single-chip voltage to 3.80 to 3.90V. If the battery does not fly due to various reasons after charging, the battery should be discharged to 3.80~3.90V to save within 3 days after charging.

smart flight battery

If the intelligent flight battery is not used within three months, the battery will continue to be stored after a charge and discharge, so that the battery life can be extended. Battery storage should be placed in a cool environment storage, long-term storage of batteries, it is best to be placed in a sealed bag or sealed deflator, the recommended ambient temperature of 10 to 25 degrees C, and dry, non-corrosive gas.

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