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Are you ready for Medical Wearables 2019

Are you ready for Medical Wearables 2019

Editorial:Eva Wei Issue Date:2019-07-26 Views:4105

The 4th  annual conference and exhibition of Medical Wearables 2019 will be held on May 15, 2019, at solstice on May 16, in San Jose, California.

Medical wearables are the next big thing. History will show that FitBit and Apple Watch are just the early primitive devices, and that the next wave of smart medical wearables will revolutionize healthcare and dramatically improve quality of life.

What are the next-generation medical wearable technologies? What are the most promising use cases and applications? What are the main challenges right now? What’s on the roadmap of the leading companies and R&D groups?

The future is bright for medical wearables -- Grepow will bring the new medical battery and invites you to attend this conference!

medical battery

The theme of this conference is as follows:

  • Wearable device trends, competitive forces and dynamics, market drivers, emerging applications, and disruptive technologies

  • Emerging types of wearable sensors, materials, and smart fabrics

  • Business trends, market projections, M&A developments, and startup activity

  • Wearable device applications for medical diagnostics and screening

  • Flexible, stretchable, printed, and hybrid electronics

  • Connectivity, sensor fusion, body area networks, software algorithms, contextual awareness, virtual sensors, data transmission, and processing

  • Fabrication, packaging, and assembly techniques

  • Ultra-low power systems and components, energy harvesters, micro batteries and energy storage, supercapacitors, and power management solutions

  • Government policy effects, regulatory compliance, security

  • Impacts of enabling technologies such as genomics, artificial intelligence, virtual and augmented reality for medical wearables applications

  • Digital health, “quantified self” movement, and usage paid insurance

  • Technology transfer, ecosystems and hubs, company formation

Medical care

This is a great opportunity for all of us to outline the current state and future challenges of medical wearables.In particular, even if the relevant market still appears sluggish, the huge interest and enthusiasm for the upcoming medical wearable devices and the medical battery will surely impress people! Grepow is waiting for you here!

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