05 2020-05
FAA Names Drone Remote ID Tech Contractors.
The FAA took another step towards a national unmanned air traffic management ecosystem that will help organize the teeming numbers of private drone in the nation's skies. -
05 2020-05
South Korea develops wearable honeycomb lithium-ion battery.
Scientists in South Korea have worked with graphene and carbon nanotubes to develop a working lithium-ion battery that can be stretched by up to 50% without damage to any of the components. According to the scientists, the battery represents a significant step in the development of wearable or body-implantable electronic devices. -
05 2020-05
Sweat-driven E-skin Pushes Development of Wearable Devices.
Sweat-driven e-skin pushes development of wearable devices. Wearable devices have been in the market for a while now, but the technology has not had any major breakthroughs. -
05 2020-05
Drone Delivery: The Future of Last Mile Delivery.
There have been some exciting announcements in the world of drone deliveries lately. The announcements come more from the FAA than from the tech companies, as there have finally been drone deliveries in the United States. -
06 2020-06
N?ovel Calcium Titanium Ore Batteries for Excellent Indoor Flexibility.
Novel Calcium Titanium Ore batteries for excellent indoor flexibility developers of a calcium titanium ore device designed for 100-500 lux lighting say it costs $78-108 per square meter to manufacture. -
06 2020-06
Top Drone Parts Companies.
ESC stands for Electronic Speed Controller, and they control the speed of the motors in drone. The ESC receives throttle signals from the flight controller, and drives the brushless motor at the desired speed.